Michigan Rental Agreement Laws

When it comes to renting a property in Michigan, understanding the state`s rental agreement laws is essential. A rental agreement is a legal contract between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms and conditions of the rental arrangement. Michigan rental agreement laws are designed to protect both parties and ensure that rental agreements are fair and legally binding.

Security Deposits

One of the most important aspects of Michigan rental agreement laws is the handling of security deposits. Landlords are typically allowed to collect a security deposit from tenants to cover any damages or unpaid rent. In Michigan, security deposits are limited to the equivalent of one and a half months` rent. Landlords are also required to provide tenants with a written agreement that outlines the conditions for returning the security deposit.

Lease Duration and Termination

Michigan rental agreement laws also dictate the duration and termination of leases. Lease agreements can be either short-term or long-term, and the length of the lease must be stated in the rental agreement. If a tenant wishes to terminate the lease early, they must provide written notice to the landlord, who then has 7 days to respond. If the landlord agrees to the early termination, both parties must sign a mutual termination agreement.

Rent Increases

Rent increases are another important aspect of Michigan rental agreement laws. Landlords are not allowed to increase rent during a lease term unless the rental agreement allows for it. In addition, landlords must provide tenants with written notice at least 30 days before any rent increase.

Repairs and Maintenance

Michigan rental agreement laws also outline the responsibilities of landlords and tenants in relation to repairs and maintenance. Landlords are responsible for maintaining the property and ensuring that any necessary repairs are made in a timely manner. Tenants are responsible for reporting any issues or damages to the landlord as soon as possible.


Michigan rental agreement laws are designed to protect both landlords and tenants and ensure that rental agreements are fair and legally binding. It is important for both parties to understand these laws to avoid any potential disputes or legal issues. If you are a landlord or tenant in Michigan, it is recommended that you consult with a qualified attorney to ensure that your rental agreement is in compliance with state law.

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